i did it - i qualified for the national "A" license (racing license) of the DMSB, the federal german motor sports association. i passed the tests with a "good" in driving and a "very good" in racing theory.
the workshop took place in muehlhausen-
obermehler, once an army airport of the former german federal republic's air force, now the perfect place to take racing lessons. as you can see, the weather was quite good - it was very windy, but it didn't rain, and sometimes the sun came out. the asphalt surface was perfect - smooth, lots of grip, no traces of repairs.
getting my beemer around the turns was hard work - compared with the weight of the front end, the rear end of this car is too light, so that it tends to break away, and if you aren't careful enough, you'll start spinning around... but fortunately, i managed quickly to handle that narrow borderline between staying on the race track (with screeching tyres) and going right into the tulips (thanks god, i didn't get there). so maybe it was even better not to take the corvette, since its advanced directional stability would have made things too easy, thus preventing me from learning.
hey, folks - that was great fun!
upper row: east german runways make perfect race tracks,
lower row: our makeshift pit area