26. Juli 2008

in da hood (2)

another scanned-in photograph...

not a very good one - well, it's been a 1600 asa film with a best-before date of 2005, so no wonder the colors are not very bright and clear... maybe i try again with the digital camera. i've become so used to it.

22. Juli 2008

da roof thing (4)

btw, the roof paint thing has been settled now.

if you look very, very closely, you still can see where the paint had been warping off, but for anyone who doesn't know of it, this little spot is nearly invisible. and i hope now that this particular story has - at least - come to an end.
let's hope there will be no other damages...


there has been some stormy weather here, in the middle of july - not quite the type of weather you're expecting in summer. but then again, i couldn't resist this magnificent "after-glow"...

12. Juli 2008


yeah, i know i'm neglecting this blog a little bit.
just to prove that my baby is still alive and kickin'...

btw, the roof repair will probably be done next week. and i hope this time it's o.k.!

9. Juli 2008

more roof damage

this time it's not my baby, this time it's me...!

an ill-tempered, or, should i say, incompetent, hairdresser has deprived me of my mane. the girl was chattering about her italian origin in connection with her somewhat fantastic cooking abilities, and i was listening to her, charmed by her story, so that i didn't notice the harm being done. aahhh...

no, i'm not bald, but you might as well say, "sheared"... with a very, very, short haircut as a result.