9. Juni 2007

another ride

this time, i had company – rainer (the aforementioned beemer freak) and his BMW 325 eta youngtimer*. the “eta” in the model name is not the E.T.A, but stands for “energy efficiency” – and with a consumption of 8 to 9 litres per 100 km and a good acceleration (for a beemer, he he), this little old lady really earns that name. just some info:
  • 2.7 liter 6 cylinder engine
  • 122 horsepower
  • 298530 km (!)
  • built in 1986

unfortunately, the eta model series was cancelled by the end of the 80ies.

the picture left was taken at a parking lot ahead of “bad camberg”, a little town in the taunus range (“bad” is german for “spa”, they’ve got mineral water sources there), and the right one at one of the stops we made.

*in germany, “oldtimers” have to be at least 30 years old, “youngtimers” start at 20 years of age. this distinction was made for tax reasons.

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