25. August 2007

now i'm a slalom driver

after feeding myself pain-killers up to the maximum dosage allowed the day before, i woke up on saturday with my head being better: not pain-free yet, but the blowtorch feeling reduced to something bearable. so i grabbed my helmet and drove to fulda, where the local motor sports club msc fulda held its 3rd club slalom.
yeehaaa - i did it... drove my very first slalom! i needed 2.20.xx minutes with my beemer* to finish a course of 1,600 m - not a bad timing for an absolute beginner such as i am, i was told. that makes a 10th place in a group of 13 participants (class 5 vehicles).

hey, i didn't finish last, and there is room for improvement...!

on coming home, my head started soaring with pain again, so i closed the door behind me and crept up to the sofa for the rest of the evening.
maybe fulda was a bad idea - but, he he, it was great fun!

*well, again i took my beamer out of the fear that someone might damage my baby...

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